Spark Of Rebellion Wikia

Eggnog Eggnog Eggnog Eggnog Eggnog Eggnog Eggnog Eggnog Eggnog Eggnog Eggnog Eggnog

Eggnog Eggnog Eggnog Eggnog Eggnog Eggnog Eggnog Eggnog Eggnog Eggnog Eggnog Eggnog

Eggnog Eggnog Eggnog Eggnog Eggnog Eggnog Eggnog Eggnog Eggnog Eggnog Eggnog Eggnog

Eggnog Eggnog Eggnog Eggnog Eggnog Eggnog Eggnog Eggnog Eggnog Eggnog Eggnog Eggnog

Eggnog Yum


This is the character's history.


This is the character's personality


Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence Start XP
2 3 2 2 2 2 100 XP
Soak Wound Thresh Strain Thresh Defense Melee Defense Ranged
4 12 12 0 0


  • Coercion - 2
  • Cool - 1
  • Coordination - 1
  • Deception - 1
  • Discipline - 1
  • Leadership - 4
  • Perception - 1
  • Vigilance - 1
  • Ranged Light - 1
  • Ranged Heavy - 2
  • Warfare - 1



Name Skill Dam Crit Range Encum HP Rarity Special
Blaster Rifle (BlasTech DC-15) Ranged Heavy 9 3 Long 4 4 0 Stun Setting
Slug Thrower Pistol Ranged Light 4 5 Short 1 0 0 --
Flame Projector (BlasTech X42 Heavy Flamethrower) Ranged Heavy 8 2 Short 6 2 0 Burn 3, Blast 8


Name Def Soak Encum HP Rarity
Gungan Ceremonial Armor 0 2 4 3 0


Name Encum Rarity
Commlink X3 0 0
Hand Scanner
Scanner Goggles
Load Bearing Gear


1005 Credits


Total XP


Name Rank What Talent
Commanding Presence 1 Gungans can hold their breath for a number of rounds equal to 10 times their Brawn rating before they risk suffocating
Natural Swimmers 1 Remove Blk Per rank of Commanding Presence from leadership and cool checks
Toughened 2 Gain +2 Wound Threhold
Side Step 1 Once pr round, May perform Side Step maneuever and suffer a number of strain to upgrade difficultly of all incoming ranged attacks by an equal number for the next round, strain suffered this way cannot exceed rank in side step
Swift 1 Do not suffer usual penalties for moving through difficult terrain
Quick draw 1 Once per round draw or holster a weapon or accessible item as an incidental
Confidence 1 May decrease difficultly checks of discipline checks to avoid fear by 1 per rank of confidence
Comanding presence 1 Remove 1 blk per pank of cmding presence from leadershp and cool check
Field Commander 1 Take the field commader action; Make an Average 2purp leadership check, A number of allies equal to rank presnece may immesditaly suffer strain to perform 1 free maneuver
Improved Field commader 1 Field commander action affects allies equal to double presence, and may spend truimph to allow one ally to suffer 1 strain and perforn 1 free action
Bodyguard 2 Once Per round, Perform a manuever to guard an engaged ally, suffer strain up to ranks to upgrade difficult of attacks against them by that number until the start of the next turn


  • Hold Breath - Gungans can hold their breath for a number of rounds equal to 10 times their Brawn rating before they risk suffocating
  • Natural Swimmers - Gungans never suffer penalties to movement while traveling through water.